
List of Custom Values (Merge Tags)

May 01, 20246 min read

MessageBull Variable List

You may need to use the raw format of Custom Values, which is when you remove the brackets and dashes. This can be ideal is some situations such as when dealing with international phone numbers.


Contact > Full name: {{}}

Contact > First name: {{contact.first_name}}

Contact > Last name: {{contact.last_name}}

Contact > Email: {{}}

Contact > Phone: {{}} or **{{contact.phone_raw}}

Contact > Phone (Recommended for trigger links & UTM): Tel:{{contact.phone_raw}}

Contact > Company name: {{contact.company_name}}

Contact > Full Address: {{contact.full_address}}

Contact > Address 1: {{contact.address1}}

Contact > City: {{}}

Contact > State: {{contact.state}}

Contact > Postal Code: {{contact.postal_code}}

Contact > Time Zone {{contact.timezone}}

Contact > Date of Birth: {{contact.date_of_birth}}

Contact > Source: {{contact.source}}

Contact > Website: {{}}

Contact > ID :{{}}


User > Full Name: {{}}

User > First Name: {{user.first_name}}

User > Last Name: {{user.last_name}}

User > Email: {{}}

User > Phone: {{}} or **{{user.phone_raw}}

User > Signature: {{user.email_signature}}

User > Calendar Link: {{user.calendar_link}}

User > Appointment Phone: ** {{appointment.user.phone_raw}}

User > Twilio Phone: {{user.twilio_phone_number}}

User > Twilio Phone raw format: {{user.twilio_phone_number_raw}}


Appointment > Title: {{appointment.title}}

Appointment > Start Date Time: {{appointment.start_time}}

Appointment > Start Date: {{appointment.only_start_date}}

Appointment > Start Time: {{appointment.only_start_time}}

Appointment > End Date Time: {{appointment.end_time}}

Appointment > End Date: {{appointment.only_end_date}}

Appointment > End Time: {{appointment.only_end_time}}

Appointment > Day of the week:{{appointment.day_of_week}}

Appointment > Name of the month:{{appointment.month}}

Appointment > Timezone: {{appointment.timezone}}

Appointment > Cancellation Link: {{appointment.cancellation_link}}

Appointment > Reschedule Link: {{appointment.reschedule_link}}

Appointment > Meeting Location: {{appointment.meeting_location}}

Appointment > Notes: {{appointment.notes}}

Appointment > Add to Google Calendar: {{appointment.add_to_google_calendar}}

Appointment > Add to Ical&Outlook: {{appointment.add_to_ical_outlook}}

Appointment > Recurring > Repeats: {{appointment.recurring.repeats}}

Appointment > Recurring > Times to repeat :{{appointment.recurring.times_to_repeat}} 

Appointment > Assigned user > Full Name:{{}}

Appointment > Assigned user > First Name:{{appointment.user.first_name}}

Appointment > Assigned user > Last Name :{{appointment.user.last_name}}

Appointment > Assigned user > Email: {{}}

Appointment > Assigned user > Phone: {{}}

Appointment > Assigned user >Phone (raw format):{{appointment.user.phone_raw}}

Appointment > Assigned user >Signature:{{appointment.user.email_signature}}

Appointment > Assigned user > Twilio Phone:{{appointment.user.twilio_phone_number}}


Calendar > Name: {{}}

Campaign > Event, Date, Time: {{campaign.event_date_time}}

Campaign > Event Date: {{campaign.event_date}}

Campaign > Event Time: {{campaign.event_time}}


Message > Message Body: {{message.body}}

Message > Message Subject :{{message.subject}}


Account > Name: {{}}

Account > Full Address: {{location.full_address}}

Account > Address Line 1: {{location.address}}

Account > City: {{}}

Account > State: {{location.state}}

Account > Country: {{}}

Account > Postal Code: {{location.postal_code}}

Account > Email: {{}}

Account > Phone: {{}}

Account > Phone (raw format) : {{location.phone_raw}}

Account > Website: {{}}

Account > Logo URL: {{location.logo_url}}

Account > Owner > First Name: {{location_owner.first_name}}

Account > Owner > Last Name: {{location_owner.last_name}}

Account > Owner > Email: {{}}

Account > ID: {{}}


Right Now > Second: {{right_now.second}}

Right Now > Minute: {{right_now.minute}}

Right Now > Time 24h Format: {{right_now.hour}}

Right Now > Time  AM/PM Format: {{right_now.hour_ampm}}

Right Now > AM/PM: {{right_now.ampm}}

Right Now > Day of the week extended english :{{right_now.day_of_week}} 

Right Now > Name of month : {{right_now.month_name}}

Right Now > Day: {{}}

Right Now > Month: {{right_now.month}}

Right Now > Month Extended English:{{right_now.month_english}}

Right Now > Year: {{right_now.year}}

Right Now > Date (month/day/year): {{right_now.middle_endian_date}}

Right Now > Date (day/month/year): {{right_now.little_endian_date}}

Right Now > Day of the week: {{right_now.day_of_week}} 


Attribution > First > Session Source: {{contact.attributionSource.sessionSource}}

Attribution > First > URL: {{contact.attributionSource.url}}

Attribution > First > Campaign: {{contact.attributionSource.campaign}}

Attribution > First > UTM Source: {{contact.attributionSource.utmSource}}

Attribution > First > UTM Medium: {{contact.attributionSource.utmMedium}}

Attribution > First > UTM Content: {{contact.attributionSource.utmContent}}

Attribution > First > Referrer: {{contact.attributionSource.referrer}}

Attribution > First > Campaign Id: {{contact.attributionSource.campaignId}}

Attribution > First > FB Clickld: {{contact.attributionSource.fbclid}}

Attribution > First > Google Clickld: {{contact.attributionSource.gclid}}

Attribution > First > UTM Keyword:{{contact.attributionSource.utmKeyword}}

Attribution > First > UTM Match Type:{{contact.attributionSource.utmMatchType}}

Attribution > First > Ad Group ID: {{contact.attributionSource.adGroupId}}

Attribution > First > Ad ID: {{contact.attributionSource.adId}}

Attribution > Lastest > Session Source: {{contact.lastAttributionSource.sessionSource}}

Attribution > Lastest > URL: {{contact.lastAttributionSource.url}}

Attribution > Lastest > Campaign: {{contact.lastAttributionSource.campaign}}

Attribution > Lastest > UTM Source: {{contact.lastAttributionSource.utmSource}}

Attribution > Lastest > UTM Medium: {{contact.lastAttributionSource.utmMedium}}

Attribution > Lastest > UTM Content: {{contact.lastAttributionSource.utmContent}}

Attribution > Lastest > Referrer: {{contact.lastAttributionSource.referrer}}

Attribution > Lastest > Campaign Id: {{contact.lastAttributionSource.campaignId}}

Attribution > Lastest > FB Clickld: {{contact.lastAttributionSource.fbclid}}

Attribution > Lastest > Google Clickld: {{contact.lastAttributionSource.gclid}}

Attribution > Lastest > UTM Campaign :{{contact.lastAttributionSource.utmCampaign}}

Attribution > Lastest > UTM Keyword :{{contact.lastAttributionSource.utmKeyword}}

Attribution > Lastest > UTM March Type:{{contact.lastAttributionSource.utmMatchType}}

Attribution > Lastest > Ad Group ID: {{contact.lastAttributionSource.adGroupId}}

Attribution > Lastest > Ad ID: {{contact.lastAttributionSource.adId}}

How To Use Shopify Variables

Here are the details from the table converted into bullet points:

Shopify Variables - Abandoned Checkout Trigger & Order Placed Trigger

- Order Info

- Order ID: {{}} (Sample: 1900968798308) - Available in both triggers.

- Order Number: {{order.number}} (Sample: 1044) - Available in Order Placed trigger.

- Order Status URL: {{order.order_status_url}} (Sample: link to order) - Available in Order Placed trigger.

- Abandoned Checkout URL: {{order.abandoned_checkout_url}} (Sample: link to abandoned checkout) - Available in Abandoned Checkout trigger.

- Created At: {{order.created_at}} (Sample: 2021-10-21T11:47:12+05:30) - Available in both triggers.

- Created On: {{order.created_on}} (Sample: default format 10-20-2021) - Available in both triggers.

- Currency: {{order.currency}} (Sample: $) - Available in both triggers.

- Currency Code: {{order.currency_code}} (Sample: USD) - Available in both triggers.

- Customer Info

- First Name: {{order.customer.first_name}} (Sample: John) - Available in both triggers.

- Last Name: {{order.customer.last_name}} (Sample: Carter) - Available in both triggers.

- Email: {{}} (Sample: [email protected]) - Available in both triggers.

- Phone: {{}} (Sample: 18989898989) - Available in both triggers.

- Order Value

- Total Cart Price: {{order.total_cart_price}} (Sample: 99.00) - Available in Order Placed trigger.

- Discount Code: {{order.discount_code}} (Sample: TESTDISC20) - Available in Order Placed trigger.

- Total Discount Value: {{order.total_discounts}} (Sample: 11.99) - Available in Order Placed trigger.

- Order Has Discount?: {{order.has_discount}} (Sample: true/false) - Available in Order Placed trigger.

- Subtotal Price: {{order.subtotal_price}} (Sample: 88.99) - Available in Order Placed trigger.

- Total Shipping Price: {{order.total_shipping_price}} (Sample: 14.49) - Available in Order Placed trigger.

- Total Price: {{order.total_price}} (Sample: 102.99) - Available in Order Placed trigger.

- Customer Billing Address

- Contact Name: {{}} (Sample: John Carter) - Available in Order Placed trigger.

- Address Company: {{}} (Sample: Marvel Inc.) - Available in Order Placed trigger.

- Address 1: {{order.billing_address.address1}} (Sample: 890) - Available in Order Placed trigger.

- Address 2: {{order.billing_address.address2}} (Sample: Fifth Avenue, Manhattan) - Available in Order Placed trigger.

- Province: {{order.billing_address.province}} (Sample: New York City) - Available in Order Placed trigger.

- Zip: {{}} (Sample: 10128) - Available in Order Placed trigger.

- Country: {{}} (Sample: United States) - Available in Order Placed trigger.

- Customer Shipping Address

- Contact Name: {{}} (Sample: John Carter) - Available in Order Placed trigger.

- Address Company: {{}} (Sample: Marvel Inc.) - Available in Order Placed trigger.

- Address 1: {{order.shipping_address.address1}} (Sample: 890) - Available in Order Placed trigger.

- Address 2: {{order.shipping_address.address2}} (Sample: Fifth Avenue, Manhattan) - Available in Order Placed trigger.

- Province: {{order.shipping_address.province}} (Sample: New York City) - Available in Order Placed trigger.

- Zip: {{}} (Sample: 10128) - Available in Order Placed trigger.

- Country: {{}} (Sample: United States) - Available in Order Placed trigger.

- Order Requires Shipping?: {{order.requires_shipping}} (Sample: true/false) - Available in Order Placed trigger.

- Advanced Variables

- Order/Abandoned Cart Items: {{#each Order line_items as | item |}} - Available in both triggers.


- item.image

- item.title

- item.quantity

- item.price

- item.line_price

- {{/each}}

- Order Tax Details: {{#each Order tax_lines as | tax |}} - Available in Order Placed trigger.

- tax.title

- tax.rate

- tax.price

- {{/each}}

Founder MessageBull - 19 years of experience in online marketing and automation.

Corné van Willigen

Founder MessageBull - 19 years of experience in online marketing and automation.

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