Email in Inbox

How to Start Sending Emails with a New Domain Name for Better Deliverability

August 19, 20243 min read

Starting to send emails from a new domain can be challenging, but following these steps will help improve your email deliverability and ensure your messages reach your audience's inbox.

1. Warm Up Your Domain

Before sending large volumes of emails, warm up your domain gradually. Start with small batches and increase the volume over time. This helps establish a good sending reputation with mailbox providers.

6-Week Email Sending Sequence to Increase Sending Volume

Week 1: Initial Warm-Up

  • Days 1-7: Send up to 100 emails per hour, with a maximum of 1,000 emails per day.

  • Focus on highly engaged, opt-in subscribers.

  • Keep emails short and relevant.

Week 2: Gradual Increase

  • Days 8-14: Increase to 300 emails per hour, with a maximum of 2,500 emails per day.

  • Continue targeting engaged subscribers.

  • Monitor open and click rates closely.

Week 3: Steady Growth

  • Days 15-21: Increase to 500 emails per hour, up to 5,000 emails per day.

  • Introduce a second segment of opt-in subscribers.

  • Maintain high engagement with compelling content.

Week 4: Further Scaling

  • Days 22-28: Increase to 800 emails per hour, up to 8,000 emails per day.

  • Expand to less engaged segments while monitoring engagement.

  • Adjust content based on engagement feedback.

Week 5: Near Full Volume

  • Days 29-35: Send up to 1,000 emails per hour, with a maximum of 10,000 emails per day.

  • Start targeting broader audience segments.

  • Ensure content is varied and valuable to maintain interest.

Week 6: Full Sending Volume

  • Days 36-42: Increase to 1,200 emails per hour, up to 15,000 emails per day.

  • Include all segments, continuously monitor deliverability.

  • Keep refining email content based on engagement data.

Weekly Campaign Strategy for 30,000 Emails

Week 1-2: Initial Campaigns

  • Send daily emails to the first batch of 1,000 opt-in subscribers.

  • Adjust frequency to every other day after the first week, ensuring relevance and engagement.

Week 3-4: Expanding Reach

  • Include an additional segment of 2,500 subscribers per day.

  • Start weekly campaigns targeting 5,000-8,000 subscribers, alternating content themes.

Week 5-6: Scaling Up

  • Increase to sending up to 10,000 emails per day.

  • Segment your list into 3 groups of 10,000 and send weekly campaigns on different days to manage volume.

Pro Tips:

  • Only send to opt-in recipients.

  • Avoid cold emailing during the warm-up phase.

  • Keep emails short and engaging.

  • Use appropriate images and avoid public link shorteners like

2. Regular Sending Cadence

Consistency is key to maintaining a good sender reputation. Avoid sporadic sending patterns and establish a regular email schedule.

Recommended Schedule:

  • Daily emails for the first 5 days to new subscribers.

  • Slow down to a few emails per week if there's no engagement.

  • Weekly emails after 20 days of no action.

  • Stop sending after 2 months of inactivity.

3. Engage with Your Audience

Ensure your emails are engaging and relevant to your recipients. Monitor engagement metrics such as open rates and click-through rates to adjust your strategy.

Best Practices:

  • Use double opt-in to ensure quality subscribers.

  • Segment your audience to send targeted emails.

  • Regularly clean your email list to remove inactive subscribers.

4. Avoid Common Pitfalls

  • Over-Sending: Too many emails can lead to higher spam complaints and lower deliverability.

  • Ignoring Engagement: Continuously send only to engaged recipients.

  • Skipping Warm-Up: Gradual warm-up is crucial for new domains.

By following these steps and adhering to best practices, you'll improve your email deliverability and build a strong sender reputation with your new domain.

Founder MessageBull - 19 years of experience in online marketing and automation.

Corné van Willigen

Founder MessageBull - 19 years of experience in online marketing and automation.

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